Luxman L-505Z, stereo stiprintuvas
Prekės kodas: N3336
Įsigijimo galimybė: Klausti dėl termino ir kainos
Mato vnt.: vnt.
Luxman L-505Z, stereo stiprintuvas
Luxman L-505Z - aukščiausios klasės, klasikinis Class AB Push-Pull stereo stiprintuvas, kuriame realizuoti geriausi Luxman (nuo 1925m.) Old-School ir New-School inžinieriniai sprendimai.
Luxman L-505Z yra atnaujinta L-505uX II stiprintuvo versija - L-505Z gavo naują neigiamo grįžtamo ryšio schemos versiją - LIFES 1.0 (Luxman Integrated Feedback Engine System).
Pagrindinės savybės:
Dual Mono topologija, maksimaliai trumpas signalo kelias, OFC vidiniai kabeliai, relinė įėjimų komutacija (Takamisawa relės), procesoriaus valdomas originalus LECUA1000 pasyvinis varžinis garso reguliatorius su rankiniu būdu atrinktom varžom, patentuota Luxman LIFES 1.0 neigiamo grįžtamo ryšio schema; Shottky diodai ir 4x 10000mkF kondensatoriai maitinimo grandinėje, Sudvigubinti Toshiba bipoliariniai galios tranzistoriai, sudvigubintos išėjimo relės, galingas 570VA EI tipo transformatorius.
Loudness, Bass, Treble, Subsonic filtras, Line stright ir Mono režimai, A/B System (A+B output).
Rodykliniai stereo kanalų signalo lygio indikatoriai, 8mm aliuminio priekinė panelė, distancinio valdymo pultelis aliuminio korpuse.
Svoris 22.5kg.
Spalva: sidabrinė.
Made In Japan.
Rated Output: | 100W + 100W (8Ω) 150W + 150W (4Ω) |
Input Sensitivity/Input Impedance: | PHONO (MM): 2.5mV/47kΩ PHONO (MC): 0.3mV/100Ω LINE: 180mV/47kΩ BAL.LINE: 180mV/55kΩ MAIN IN: 1V/47kΩ |
Output Voltage: | PRE OUT: 1V |
Frequency Response: | PHONO: 20Hz to 20kHz (±0.5dB) LINE: 20Hz to 100kHz (within -3dB) |
Total Harmonic Distortion: | 0.009% or less (8Ω, 1kHz) 0.09% or less (8Ω, 20Hz to 20kHz) |
S/N Ratio (IHF-A): | PHONO (MM): 87dB or more PHONO (MC): 70dB or more LINE: 104dB or more |
Volume Adjustment: | LECUA |
Amplification Feedback Circuit: | LIFES 1.0 |
Output Configuration: | Bipolar parallel push-pull |
Damping Factor: | 200 |
Max. Amount of Tone Control: | BASS: ±8dB at 100Hz TREBLE: ±8dB at 10kHz |
Power Supply: | 230V~(50Hz) |
Power Consumption: | 330W 90W (under no signal) 0.5W (at standby) |
External Dimensions: | W440 x H178 x D454 mm Front side knob of 20mm and rear side terminal of 27mm included in depth |
Net Weight: | 22.5kg. |
Accessories: | Remote control (RA-17A) Power cable Speaker terminal Supported Y-lug terminal |
Bringing Music to LIFES
The LUXMAN L-505Z integrated amplifier , inspired by the renowned L-505, continues LUXMAN’s tradition of excellence in audio design. Integrating the latest “LIFES” amplifier feedback engine, this model builds upon the high-quality sound and design expertise of previous models. As a multifunctional integrated amplifier, it represents a significant step forward, blending advanced technology with exceptional audio performance to usher in a new standard for high-end audio enthusiasts.
Advanced Amplification Technology
At the heart of the L-505Z is the LIFES Version 1.0 amplification feedback engine, a cornerstone of LUXMAN’s cutting-edge designs. This engine, derived from the revolutionary ODNF feedback circuitry, avoids feeding back the musical input signal to the main amplifier, resulting in natural, distortion-free sound.

The circuit, redesigned through extensive simulations and testing, delivers superb performance with reduced distortion, and the output stage provides robust Class AB power. High-quality headphone terminals with independent grounding and various input/output options enhance its versatility and performance.

Precision Volume Control
The L-505Z features LUXMAN’s original LECUA electronically controlled attenuator, renowned for its clarity and precision. This advanced system offers 88 steps of volume adjustment with minimal impact on audio quality. The LECUA system also facilitates smooth balance adjustments and integrates seamlessly with the remote control, maintaining both convenience and high operational feel.
Dynamics & Stability
Equipped with a highly regulated power supply, the L-505Z utilises a large-capacity 540VA power transformer and custom filter capacitors to ensure stable voltage and dynamic performance for the best sound.

The amplifier also includes a large needle VU meter with LED back-lighting and a new 7-segment LED display for real-time volume monitoring. Using the remote control, you can turn the meter lighting and 7-segment LED on and off as you like.

Bee-Line Construction
LUXMAN’s commitment to superior sound quality is evident in the L-505Z’s design, which includes non-angled wiring for optimal signal transmission and a “Bee-Line” construction for efficient audio signal routing.
Ergonomically Designed Remote
The amplifier’s ergonomic aluminium remote control enhances user convenience and is compatible with other LUXMAN CD players released since 1996. This attention to detail ensures that the L-505Z delivers both high performance and user satisfaction.

Pagrindiniai techniniai parametrai: | |
Vieno kanalo galia 4 omų apkrovai: | |
Vieno kanalo galia 6 omų apkrovai: | |
Vieno kanalo galia 8 omų apkrovai: | |
Atkuriami dažniai: | |
Įėjimo impedansas: | |
Įėjimo jautrumas: | |
Kiti parametrai: | |
Pagrindinės savybės: | |
Kanalų skaičius: | |
Distancinis valdymas: | |
Kitos savybės: | |
Atkuriami formatai: | |
Atkuriami formatai per skaitmeninius įėjimus: | |
Įėjimai, išėjimai, jungtys: | |
Įėjimai: | |
Išėjimai: | |
Konstrukcija, išorė: | |
Svoris: | |
Matmenys (WxHxD): | |
Spalva: |
Parduotuvė - salonas:
Kęstučio g. 78, 44297 Kaunas
(prie Muzikinio teatro)
Darbo laikas:
I-V - 10:00 - 19:00 val.
VI-VII ir valstybinių švenčių dienomis
- nedirbam.
Tel.: +37069945746
El. paštas:
UAB "Bel canto"
Juridinis adresas: Kęstučio g. 78, 44297, Kaunas
Įmonės kodas: 135192045
PVM mokėtojo kodas: LT351920417
Įmonė įregistruota 1998.07.02 Kauno m. savivaldybėje
Registro Nr. AB 98-301
Sąskaitos atsiskaitymui:
Paysera LT, banko kodas 35000
SEB bankas, banko kodas 70440